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On November 25th, 2019, we started our pilot at the Innovation Center in Weert, the Netherlands. On February 14th, 2020 we successfully ended our pilot. Under supervision of Dr. Judith van de Mortel and the students Sibren van Manen & Maurice Thijssen. Great job, great outcome!
As mentioned above we successfully ended our pilot and we are thrilled to share the first results with you. The productivity is even higher as expected. In our pilot we tested tomatoes with and without GROOOW, the ones using our product came out as 1.8 times more tomatoes than the ones without GROOOW. They are growing faster and have way more nutrients. The pilot was held under supervision from Dr. Judith van de Mortel, please find below her summary of the productivity and drought resistance and the soil quality:
Productivity and drought resistance:
GROOOW promotes tomato productivity;
GROOOW enhances tomato fruit development;
GROOOW affects amount minerals in tomato fruits;
GROOOW protects basil, radish and tomato from drought stress;
GROOOW enhances basil and tomato root development;
GROOOW restores growth under non-optimal soil conditions as was identified for radish.
Soil quality:
GROOOW affects soil properties;
Soil moisture content
Bulk density
Electric Conductivity
GROOOW has no effect on fitness and growth of earthworm;
GROOOW has no effect on Colony Forming Unit (CFU) per gram of rhizosphere soil;
A higher microbial diversity observed in Grooow treatment compared to control and SAP.
The results are very promising and we cannot wait to share the results from our next pilot, starting in April 2020.